“Heather, Heather, Heather; what did you do now!” and both me & Fenris started laughing with Till, as we’re discussing about the thunderbird snap during the conference dinner.
Yup, this is from UbuCon Asia, my
- First conference
- First flight journey
- First travel out of my state
- First solo travel out of my state
- First solo stay at a hotel
Huhhh, a lot of first timers! I can’t think actually where to start with… I met so many people out there, got so many mentors! Thanks Till , for introducing me with so many mentors! I met Guruprasad sir (the launchpad guru 😄), Kierthana mam and Dimple didi (both are the documentation gurus). A lot of suggestions, tips, guides from them! Thanks a lot 🥹! BTW, How can I forget my OG Bhavani bhaiyaa!
OG Bhavani meeting the Launchpad Guru infront of OG Till
So, let’s start with the journey. My flight was on 30th August, around 2:40PM. Being my first flight journey, I was a bit nervous about it. But, the process went smoothly. Also Ronit da helped me a lot during the onboarding.
Me and Ronit da in the flight to Jaipur
The next day comes 31 August, the day of the conference. Thanks to Till, a lot of the setups for the booth were already done before hand, like the setup for a TV and tables etc. We reached the venue around 8:45AM, and set up our booth. After we’re done, people started coming up and asking about things. And there in an Arch guy’s laptop, I installed snapd
and the first snap I showed him was
Me, Till and
(the arch guy) with the
tldr snap
command in his lappy’s terminal
The booth became slowly became a point of attraction. For everyone coffee breaks were breaks, but for me it was the most busiest time, with people coming up with full of enthusiasm, asking about Linux, Ubuntu, Snaps etc. We also got CDAC people there, whom I explained how snaps can solve maintainenance issue for them, with thousands of packages from various releases and also the permission management in snaps.
Me telling Srijan bhaiyaa why the slide says “What the Hell are snaps” while Till is giving the talk, (
The next day, we’re busy with the snap workshop. Till suggested that we surprise everyone, that it’s not gonna be only him, it’s gonna be us, but time crunch! We needed to hurry with everything. There were a lot of last moment setups, like reimplementing all the examples with cli based apps due to internet issue, small nitpicks and all. It was kind of a trial for us, which we’ll again do during the Ubuntu Summit in Hague this year. And the trial went awesome!
Till starting the workshop
Me explaining a bit on the snap workshop
There was also conference dinner at the end of the conference day and a trip a next day. A lot of ups and downs, late startings, technical issues but all is well that ends well. And it ended very well.
Thanks a lot Canonical, for giving me this opportunity and sponsoring my journey. It has been a thrilling and lovely experience, that I’d always cherish.
Also, I must mention
Merlijn Sebrechts Thanks a lot for believing in me and letting me lead the beacon of Snapcrafters .
Mauro Gaspari Thanks a lot for helping me with the sponsorship and booth.
Thank you everyone!