
Whatever takes time takes for good. Yeah, so, about on March I created a PR on snapcraft by canonical. It was about adopting more metadata from the parsed appstrean metadata file. The new fields that were made to parse were

  1. License
  2. Contact
  3. Issues
  4. Source Code (VCS Browser)
  5. Website
  6. Donation Link

What does this change means?

For publishers/snapcrafters

Publishers and snapcrafters who also maintains an appstrean metadata for their app, you don’t need to maintain the metadata in your snap package separately. Just add the metadata file in your snap and you’re good to go. (Also please keep in mind to enable the update metadata from snapcraft option in case you disabled it).

For users

You’ll not see a change in front of yourself out of the box. But eventually, you’ll see all those who have added their appstream metadata to parse from, those pages will get populated with the links and the license automatically. Thus posts like this or this might eventually reduce in the Snapcraft forum or Ubuntu discourse.

How does that work?

Well as snapcraft did with summary, description, title etc, here again we’re using lxml.etree library to scrap the xml file. The finding these fields.

  1. project_license for License
  2. update_contact for contact
  3. bugtracker for issues
  4. donation for Donation Links
  5. homepage for Website Links
  6. vcs-browser for Source Code

But, there is a twist, the links mentioned above were previously Optional[str], but this new PR sets this as Optional[List[str]] .

    contact: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The extracted package contact"""

    donation: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The extracted package donation"""

    issues: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The extracted package issues"""

    source_code: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The extracted package source code"""

    website: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The extracted package website"""

What does that mean? Well, it means that you can have multiple links for the same field. For example, you can have multiple issues links, or multiple source code links. This is a good feature as it allows the publisher to give users multiple options to contact, raise a bug report or just to browse the source-code. But, this also means that the existing manifests might break. So, for that, we came up with pydantic.validator to validate the existing manifests. This validator will check if the links are of type str and if they are, it will convert them to UniqueStrList .

        "contact", "donation", "issues", "source_code", "website", pre=True
    def _validate_urls(cls, field_value):
        if isinstance(field_value, str):
            field_value = cast(UniqueStrList, [field_value])
        return field_value

So, what’s next?

My plans:

  1. Try to look into a way, so that screenshot can also be parsed from the appstream metadata.
  2. Try to raise a issue/PR in the new flutter based App Center to show the links in the app details page more prominently.
  3. Try to raise an issue in the snapcraft forum, about adding these links mandatory for all snaps.


Thanks a lot to everyone who helped me in this PR. Especially to


  1. canonical/snapcraft #4562
  2. Snapcraft Docs