Namaskar World.

Happy Exploring!!

Fossasia Summit 2025

Friendly country, Friendly people, Reunions, New Experience, a bit of hustle and that’s LIFE! So, this was my 4th conference and 3rd international trip! A lot of new experiences and new friends, but let’s talk about FOSSASIA Summit 2025 first. FOSSASIA Summit 2025 This is the first conference where I was having a lot of different tasks, lightning talk, representing Ubuntu booth and KDE booth. So, a lot of different perspectives will be here. Sometimes I’ll be writing from KDE’s pov, sometimes Ubuntu’s and sometimes my own. ...

March 16, 2025 · 7 min

Ubuntu Summit 2024: A joyful experience filled with sorrow

Has this ever occurred to you? The most joyful moments of your life got filled with sorrow, a grief of loss… Let’s talk about the Ubuntu Summit first, my international conference and solo travel outside my country. Probably I am the first from my entire extended family to visit a European country. My parents, well-wishers everyone was so happy. Only person didn’t know much about this, my maternal grandfather, whom I called (yes, “called”, he left us on 27th October 2024) Dada. Let me tell you about the summit first. ...

November 9, 2024 · 5 min

GSOC: Week 8 to Week 16

The End is here! The long journey of GSoC (which got streched into 16 weeks) is nearing to an end. And in this blog, I will share a few of the things I have done, and some of the things I have left to do. Let’s start with the main works. Snap KCM! It’s here! I have finally succeeded to create a KCM for snaps. This is written using C++, Qt (Qml), Kirigami, Snapd-Glib Api. The flow is something like this ...

October 1, 2024 · 2 min